Thursday, January 31, 2013

Aging not so gracefully

50 Something

OK, admit it, I am old (so are we).  I know, 50 is the new 30 or 40 or whatever, but anyone who believes that is still smoking dope (I bet you are).  I am one of those who has kept my weight down (below the belt) and still exercises and all that, but I will also admit that I am still in a state of denial about being past 55 and on my way to 60.  I don’t mind being old, retirement is pretty good and using my age as an excuse when I need to is pretty cool as well, but I still don’t see myself as old when I look in the mirror (need new glasses?)  or want to do something that folks our age probably shouldn’t be doing.  I still listen to new music as well as the old stuff, not sure what that makes me. I believe I have an open mind for someone of my age and that I relate to young people well, but I may just be kidding myself.  I will tell you, quite honestly, I do not worry about aging or dying much if any.  Oh sure, I am not looking forward to any more aches or pains and my health insurance is getting very expensive and nearly worthless (don’t get me started on that) but I would like to think that I am aging gracefully, not fighting it kicking and screaming.  I don’t use any medications or surgery to look younger, I don’t take Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.  I drink alcohol and smoke a cigar now and then and don’t worry about it.  I admit, my back hurts often, but not too badly and I like a nap whenever I can get one.  But I don’t feel old, and that is good enough for me.


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