Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Riding Route 66 in 1918

1918 Road Trip

From Ethel Rowe’s Journal

1918 Road Trip by Walter E. Rowe, his wife Ethel and son, Ivan and  friend  Oz A. Pierce, his wife Minnie and child,  from near Hinton, Oklahoma.  On a pair of 1918 Harley Davidson J models with side cars.  Changes  From a journal kept by Ethel Rowe while on the trip. I have tried to transcribe it as best as possible but have made some minor changes to spelling but have tried to retain as much of the language and flow as possible from the original.  Looks like the distance was approximately 700 miles traveled by bike.

On Monday August 5th 1918 we left Niles, Oklahoma and went through Hinton.  We stopped in El Reno and saw Nannie’s baby and then left there around 4:30 pm.  The wind and dirt was blowing a perfect gale.

We camped by the bank of the North Canadian River.  Slept  very well for the first night.  Started the next day about 8:30, August 6th.  Came through Oklahoma City and Spencer.  Ate a very good  dinner at a restaurant in Jones City about 21 miles from Oklahoma City.  After dinner we came through Luther, Wellston and then Chandler.  About a mile out of Chandler, Walter had tire trouble.  We stopped and he worked on it until evening.  Oz went back to Chandler to get something for supper.  We had potato soup and watermelon and camped by a school house.  It was a lovely camping place.  Traveled about 60 miles that day. 

On Wednesday, Aug 7th woke to a lovely morning.  We had fried potatoes, gravy, bread and coffee for breakfast.  They worked on Walter’s motorcycle for about 3 hours before starting.  Passed through Stroud, Depew and Bristow.  Roads were in very good shape.  Saw an oil well and in Bristow nearly all the women we saw were barefooted.  Bought our dinner in Kellyville.  Ate our dinner about 5 miles east.  We had bread, ham, pickles, gravy and cheese.  Drove through Sapulpa toward Tulsa.  On the outskirts of Tulsa had to stop and work on Walter’s motorcycle again.  Between Sapulpa and Tulsa were mainly oil fields.  Spent the night at a hotel in Tulsa.  Walter had to work on his motorcycle all day Thursday.  He had to get a new magneto and get a valve fixed.  Went outside town about five miles and spent the night in a vacant house.  Went back to Tulsa the next morning with the intent of shipping the motorcycle home and going home.  Oz and Minnie went ahead and after fixing the motorcycle we followed after them.  Caught up with them after about 2 hours.  Arrive at Miami, OK and spent the night at a campground west of Miami on Friday the 9th.

Saturday Aug 10th morning we had breakfast and started out again.  Oz had to work on his motorcycle most of forenoon (late morning).  We camped at Spring River in Kansas for dinner.  The boys washed the motorcycles in the river.  I did some washing.  The children played in the river.  Headed on to Joplin, Mo.

Sunday Aug 11th, we came on some awful rocky roads.  Ate our dinner in a shady place among the hills.  The boys shaved each other.  We had potatoes for breakfast.  We ate bacon, lemonade, bread and coffee for dinner.  Camped 8 miles east of Springfield, Mo. in a Beverage stand.  Slept well and dreamed of home.

Monday Aug 12th we started on our trip before breakfast.  Stopped at a little town to get gas.  I got out to get Ivan and fell on the sidewalk.  Continued on our way.  Some of the awfulest rocky roads that ever was.  We got off the road on a side road and traveled about 5 miles but had to come back.  The roads are all rock and hills.  Had a nice camping place.  Ivan is sick.

Tuesday the 13th was a lovely morning.  Getting ready to start again.  Saw crops of red clover, tomatoes, corn and apples.  We traveled about 10 miles when Oz had wheel trouble.  He had to work on it, so Walter changed his tires.  They worked on the motorcycles about 3 hours.  We went on over more rocks and hills.  In places, the rocks were as large as buckets.  It kept the boys busy dodging rocks, hogs and cattle.  We stayed the night at a hotel in Van Buren, Mo.

Wednesday the 14th we ate breakfast in the hotel.  I washed my bonnet.  We started out at about 9:00 AM.  We are still traveling over some awful roads.   Ate dinner by a creek.  It looks like it is going to rain.  The roads are now better, mostly gravel.  Camped by a school house and slept on the porch.

Thursday 15th we started early.  Crossed the St Francis river.  Came through Greenville.  The roads are better.  We reached Poplar Bluff, Mo. at about 12:00.  Got our dinner and ate it just this side of the river.  Crossed the St Francis river again after dinner.  Sitting by the roadside fixing tires.  We have traveled among the rocks and hills from Springfield to Poplar Bluff, Mo.  It has taken us 4 ½ days, winding around the hills and over the rocks.  We are now in eastern Missouri.  We passed a 64A rice farm about one mile before Dudley.  The crops are fine.  A lovely country.  We came on through Dexter and Bloomfield, Mo. It had rained and the ground was wet so we slept on the porch of a country home.  The people are so sociable.  We enjoyed the eve so well.

Friday the 16th we came through Advance, Mo.  Ate our breakfast about 3 miles outside of town.  A lovely morning.  We are stopped by the roadside.  Walter is pumping up his tire.  A one mule log wagon passed by us.  We have seen several one horse wagons.  We are now in Cape Girardeau.  It is a large place.  We had our dinner and went out of the city to eat it.  We had beef steak, potatoes, beans and coffee.  We are now sitting by the Mississippi River watching a steamboat pass.

Saturday 17th we left Cape Girardeau and passed across the Mississippi River.  The roads are good and the crops are very good.  We passed by the National Cemetery, it is a lovely place.  Came to Mound City.  We went across the Ohio River on the steam ferry, The Leo.  Landed in Kentucky at about 5:00 PM. Had such a lovely ride over the graveled roads.  We see so many tobacco fields.  Passed through Paducah , Ky.  It is a large place but we went about 3 miles beyond to camp.  Have a nice camping place.  It is our first night in Ky. Some men came by and gave us tomatoes.

Sunday 18th, another lovely morning.  Oz is working on his motorcycle.  We had fried potatoes, tomatoes, bacon and coffee for breakfast.  We did not get started until late.  We crossed the Tennessee River at the Altonis ferry.  We didn’t get to travel more than 30 miles on account of the motorcycle trouble.  It looks like rain.  We couldn’t find a house to stay at so we spent the night in an old barn.  Minnie the children and myself slept in a wagon.  Oz and Walter slept on the ground.  It poured down rain about half the night.

Monday 19th we started at daylight before breakfast and traveled about 3 miles.  We crossed the Cumberland River.   Ate our breakfast on the banks of the Cumberland.  We didn’t get to travel very far until it was time for dinner.  We bought our dinner at a little town called Salem, Ky  and came outside of town about 4 miles to have dinner by a little creek.  Oz’s motorcycle wasn’t working very good so we only came about 3 miles before it began to rain.  We sheltered at a house until eve and it quit raining so hard, so we came back a little ways to another house and stayed there the night.

Tuesday 20th it still looks rainy.  The boys are working on the motorcycles.  We came to a small town called Mexico, Ky.  The boys have decided to crate their motorcycles to ship home and finish the trip by train.  Going to start about 10:00 AM next morning.

Wednesday 21st we had slept in a vacant house about a mile from town.  We walked through a corn field and weeks carrying our bedding and clothes to town where the boys crated the bikes for shipment home. 

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