Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What really matters?

What really matters? When tragedy strikes, we ask ourselves this question and almost always come up with the same answers; family, friends and the life to enjoy them with. Anyone who says anything material instead of this are sad folks indeed. But when life is going well and everyone we love is well, we tend to put our energy into our work, our things and our future plans. It takes a shock to bring us back to what is really important. All we know for sure is “the now.” Our next vacation, next motorcycle trip, retirement, etc., is not even real until it happens. But we spend a lot of time living in the future, or living in our idealized past. Again, they are illusions, not real. The past is an illusion, as researchers have found that even those with vivid memories of the past are often wrong and their brains have mixed memories or enhanced them with things as we want to remember them. And as great is Facebook for keeping touch, remember to pick up a phone or arrange to meet that friend or family member when possible. Give lots of hugs when you see them, as they can be taken away with no warning, or you could be. Love life and laugh often.

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