Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How old am I?

How old am I?  You’ve probably heard the rhetorical question about how old you would think you are if you didn’t know (and didn’t have a mirror handy!)  Being a person prone to self-reflection, I wondered how old I would think I am.  Like most men, I do have a bit of a 12 year old that peeks out on occasion. I am also in decent health, stay fairly active, am open to learning about new things and observant.  Those traits keep me from being too much of a “grumpy old man”.  My dad, when he was still alive often joked about the “old people” in his church, who he would find later to be the same age or even younger than he was.  So in his 70 and early 80’s he felt younger than he imagined he should feel at 70+.  He also stayed active until his last year .  But I am turning 60 this year.  That is a milestone, for sure.  I retired a few years back, another milestone.  I started wearing glasses in my late 30’s, was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure a few years back and had other aches and issues associated with a person of my age.  I would have said that I feel younger than my years, or that I am younger at heart than others my age, but that is making assumptions that are not necessarily true, just a bit self serving and maybe a bit of self denial as well.  No, I feel almost 60. I am bald, grey haired (what’s left), I have  to fight the various issues of age and am seen as an “old guy” by the majority of people I run into daily.  I’m ok with that, I earned it.  Yes, I will keep watching my weight, working out, taking vitamins, learning about new things, but I am no longer young.  I will be lucky to have 10 more good years (without serious health issues, loss of some ability I have now, etc.)  I am ok with that too.  Sure I could live 20-30 more years, but probably only about 10 will allow the level of activity and functioning and freedom from serious medical  concerns I have now.  So I plan on making the most of the next 10 while I can.  I will try to enjoy every day I have and not plan too far in the future for the stuff I really want to do. Not bad advice at any age.

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